Saturday, June 7, 2008

Bed & Tango (and Breakfast)

There is an amazing woman that you all need to meet. Her name is Valorie Hart aka Visual Vamp. She blogs, she decorates, she tangos, she travels, and she has an adorable dog named Cholo - she is fricken fabulous!

I have to admit, I have never met Miz V in person, we became acquainted through the Internet. But, it is my goal to meet her in person one day. I have to. I have to touch her to make sure she is real. :)

Valorie and her husband Alberto Paz, are Tango Masters and run a Bed & Tango out of their home in the NOLA neighborhood of New Orleans. The weekend package includes private tango lessons and practice time, a guest room with a queen size bed, private bathroom, breakfast and refreshments. PLUS you get to visit the great city of New Orleans - Jazz, shopping, drinking, eating, what could be better?

The Weekend Package price is a very reasonable $600 for one or two persons up to four nights or $225 per day.

For more info or to book your getaway you can visit the blog Visual Vamp or email Valorie directly at

Now, get your Tango on!


Visual Vamp said...

Melissa, I've been a bit disconnected lately, and I am just catching up with my fave blogs...This is so sweet of you!!! Thanks so much!!! How'd you get that picture of me and Alberto LOL

Sneaky Chic said...

I don't know how, but one day I WILL talk the MR. into Tango lessons! You know how those Latin men are... they are too proud to dance the dance of another country... if it were Merengue, I would have no problem covincing him. :)