Wednesday, July 23, 2008


Abstract *TUNIC*, Forever 21 $22.80

It turns out that my new "minidress" is actually a shirt. Who knew? I was so excited to wear my new "minidress" because I never wear skirts or dresses cut above the knee, so I was really venturing out of my fashion comfort zone with this one. I went online to get a picture of the dress to show my girlfriend, and found it listed under the "Tops" category, not the "Dresses" category. What a dork.

I'm rockin it anyway.


Regardez Moi said...

rock it girl. i've seen girls wearing dresses way shorter!

Sneaky Chic said...

Thanks for the encouragement! I wore it last night and my husband loved it. AND... I did see many dresses shorter than mine!

franki durbin said...

At my height, half the "dresses" I own were intended to be tops. I think F21 does that to us on purpose, though. And... I agree.. I've gone out and seen dresses scandalously short. Sometimes "it ain't pretty" ;)

By the way... CUTE dress ;)

Visual Vamp said...

Wear 'em short for as long as your legs are as fab as yours! And for the rest of us, there's leggings! I just hate the tunics aka minis that make everybody look pregnant. Unless of course you are, and then it's cool, way cool.