For those who love to shop, and sometimes use sneaky methods to hide your purchases... You know who you are. Don't pretend you have never consolidated all of your retail acquisitions into one bag to make it look like you bought less when you get home, or that you have never left your shopping bags in the car until the coast was clear. For those who see beautiful things and obsess until they own them. For anyone who has style.
me too. these are hot!!
i love it.
great blog too. I just stumbled upon it!!
i saw this post and literally said:
and then leaned in all close to my computer screen. those are some hot bitches right there.
Now I just need to find a less expensive version, and I'll be stylin!
Just click your heels together and say "There's no place like home, there's no place like home..."
How you been darling?
Long time no hear.
xo xo
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